A Educação na Idade Média
A busca da Sabedoria como caminho para a Felicidade: al-Farabi (c.870-950) e Ramon Llull (1232-1316)
This article analysis the theme of medieval education in al-Farabi and Ramon Llull.
This article analysis the theme of medieval education in al-Farabi and Ramon Llull.
Leprosy in Middle Ages, its history, medical perception and social attitude toward manifestation of the disease. We present some excerpts from Començaments de Medicina (The Principles of Medicine) by the philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316) which presents the theoretical foundations of his Medicine: a metaphorical art that links the Hippocratic four elements and Theology using numeric symbolism.
This article analysis some frescoes made by Ambrogio Lorenzetti suggesting the hipothesis that they are Prince's Mirrors artistics and seculars.
Academic Memorial presented on April 26, 2017 to a Special Commission to progress to the last level of academic career in Brazil (Professor Titular).
The contents of the Second Book of Convivio (c.1304-1307) from Dante and discuss the philosophical foundations of his analogy between seven Liberal Arts and seven planets.
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