A Educação na Idade Média
A busca da Sabedoria como caminho para a Felicidade: al-Farabi (c.870-950) e Ramon Llull (1232-1316)
This article analysis the theme of medieval education in al-Farabi and Ramon Llull.
This article analysis the theme of medieval education in al-Farabi and Ramon Llull.
The formation of the Portuguese language and their literary and historical parallels with Castilian and Catalan. As case studies: D. Pedro de Barcelos (1287-1354), Antonio Vieira (1608-1697) and Olavo Bilac (1865-1918).
The Regimen sanitatis by physician Catalan Arnaldus de Villa Nova, with emphasis on diet prescribed by the author for the prevention of disease and the search for better health.
The purpose, after previously defining the concept of Humanism, is to present our translation of Lo Somni, the first one into Portuguese.
Genre painting, a tradition in History of Art, was very developed by Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525-1569). His scenes of daily peasant life profoundly marked the memory we have of pre-industrial Europe. The purpose of this paper is to analyze his image of the peasant: his life, parties, dances and remarkable moments of its existence.
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