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As idades médias capixabas
Analysis of the academic studies about the Middle Ages in the State of Espírito Santo (ES-Brazil).
Analysis of the academic studies about the Middle Ages in the State of Espírito Santo (ES-Brazil).
Coletânea em quatro seções: História, Literatura, Filosofia e Artes, com um artigo inédito em cada seção.
The Multiple Middle Ages investigated by Jacques Le Goff (1924-2014) in his academic career: civilization, imaginary, cities, bankers, daily life, intellectuals, Saint Louis (1214-1270).
The purpose is to present some characteristics and peculiarities of the first translation of Lo Somni, by Bernat Metge, to Portuguese, realized by Ricardo da Costa and revised by Armando Alexandre dos Santos. For this, we will comment some literary aspects more typically humanists of the work. Lastly, we will discourse about the reception of the metgian text for the Portuguese language.
On the occasion of the celebration of the 15th anniversary and the publishing of the volume 200 of the academic journals of Cemoroc, Centro de Estudos Medievais Oriente & Ocidente (Feusp), this article presents the landmarks of this editorial history concerning Medieval studies.
Study about the relationship between mourning and presence of women along History.
Study of childhood education in the Middle Ages.
This article discusses the suppression of the Templars and the creation of Order of Christ.
With his New Rhetoric (1301), Ramon Llull was one of the last medieval thinkers to address the issue.