Impressões da Idade Média
Coletânea em quatro seções: História, Literatura, Filosofia e Artes, com um artigo inédito em cada seção.
Coletânea em quatro seções: História, Literatura, Filosofia e Artes, com um artigo inédito em cada seção.
Trabajo post-doctoral presentado a la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) y al Rotary Club Barcelona-Europa, bajo la dirección del Prof. Dr. Josep Serrano i Daura.
The act of translating. The comprehensive understanding. A translation of medieval texts. The translation by a novel of chivalry: Curial e Guelfa. Fundamental themes approached: Love, Death, Sublime. Translating is a feeling, feeling to explain.
The work analyses the historic possibilities by utilization of literary texts. For that, approaches the novel of chivalry from the fifteenth century Curial e Güelfa, prose considered one of the jewels by Catalan Humanism.
Presentation to the Brazilian academic community of the translation of the novel of chivalry Curial e Guelfa held under the direction of IVITRA. Its content, style, and our proposed of translation.