Retórica Nova (1301)
Trad. e notas: Ricardo da Costa
Trad. e notas: Ricardo da Costa
The Rhetoric in Antiquity and the Middle Ages from the perspective of eleven philosophers. It also offers an extract from us translated from the New Rhetoric (1301) of the Catalan philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316), the first translation into Portuguese.
Some aspects of the philosophical discourse and the medieval rhetoric elements contained in the sermons of Saint Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419), especially his thoughts about a theme currently and universally present in the Christian Middle Ages: the moral virtues or cardinal virtues.
Nuestra propuesta es presentar el concepto de Belleza en las obras Retòrica Nova (1301) y el Llibre de contemplació (1271-1274) del filósofo Ramón Llull, idea central retórica para convertir el mundo al Cristianismo, y mostrar sus respectivos temas, exempla y proverbios.
With his New Rhetoric (1301), Ramon Llull was one of the last medieval thinkers to address the issue.