A mentalidade de cruzada em Portugal (sécs.XII-XIV)
Between the Lisbon Conquest (1147) and the Salado's Battle (1340) a crusaders mentality was present in the portuguese nobility.
Between the Lisbon Conquest (1147) and the Salado's Battle (1340) a crusaders mentality was present in the portuguese nobility.
The biblical theme Susanna and the elders in the History of Art – in seven artists: the Master of Fauvel (Anonymous master, 14th century), Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491), Lorenzo Lotto (c.1480-1556), Jan Massys (c.1510-1575), Jacques-Antoine Beaufort (1721-1784), Francesco Hayez (1791-1881), and Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1623).
The virtues and vices developed by Ramon Llull in Book of Chivalry Order.
According to its detractors, the Catholic Church would have supported the slave system, especially what happened in Africa in the modern period (XVI-XIX centuries). Is this true?
The act of translating. The comprehensive understanding. A translation of medieval texts. The translation by a novel of chivalry: Curial e Guelfa. Fundamental themes approached: Love, Death, Sublime. Translating is a feeling, feeling to explain.
Welcome! Here you will find my resume, books, articles and medieval documents translated to Portuguese.