A Árvore Exemplifical (1295-1296)
Trad.: Ricardo da Costa e Felipe Dias de Souza
Trad.: Ricardo da Costa e Felipe Dias de Souza
Trad.: Ricardo da Costa
The concept of Eternity in the Ramon Llull’s philosophy from the works Fèlix o Llibre de meravelles, Arbor scientiae, Liber qui debet homo de Deo credere, Ars breuis, Liber correlatiuorum innatorum, Liber natalis pueri paruuli Christi Jesu and Liber de ciuitate mundi.
The Crusade’s propose, Conversion and the Theory of Two Swords in the philosophy of conversion of Ramon Llull, based on the poems Lo desconhort and Del consili, beyond the works Llibre de contemplació en Déu, Liber de passagio, Arbor scientiae, Liber de fine, Disputatio Petri clerici et Raimundi phantastici and Liber de ciuitate mundi.