A experiência de traduzir a novela Curial e Guelfa (séc.XV)
Presentation of the translation of the chivalry's novel Curial Guelfa.
Presentation of the translation of the chivalry's novel Curial Guelfa.
According to its detractors, the Catholic Church would have supported the slave system, especially what happened in Africa in the modern period (XVI-XIX centuries). Is this true?
This article discusses the suppression of the Templars and the creation of Order of Christ.
Study on Education founded on the Spirit based on the Western bookish tradition, on the love of the printed word. Its trajectory from Greece and Rome and its dissemination of Christianity, with the leading role of the Catholic Church. From the first Christian religious to the tradition founded by Benedict of Nursia (480-547) and Cassiodorus (c.485-585), to Saint Boniface OSB (c.672-754) and the Encyclopedism of Isidore of Seville (c.560-636).
Preface to Mirabilia Journal 09 (2009)
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