

A decadência do estilo como decadência da alma

Segundo a filosofia estoica de Sêneca, o Jovem (4 a.C.-65 d.C.)

What are the symptoms of an aging Culture? What are the reasons for the decline of a Civilization? Stoicism, one of the most powerful classical philosophies offers timeless considerations. In the Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium there are letters that relate the decline of style to the decline of the soul, main theme of this paper.

Artigo em construção


A tradução como imersão no Tempo e no Espaço

A Literatura de Ramon Llull (1232-1316)

The act of translating is the spiritual incorporation into the world of the writer who has translated. The concept of “understanding” is fundamental to the translator’s aim to feel the historical-linguistic universe of the literary work in the most appropriate way possible. After this, the transfer of the original words and ideas to the translated language is a process of pondering, in which the Past reemerges in all its verbal power.

Artigo em construção


A Cor e o Esplendor, o Sorriso e a Música

O Pórtico da Glória (1168-1188) da Catedral de Santiago de Compostela

Analysis of the style, shapes, musicality, colors and characters represented in the Portico of Glory of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Romanic Masterpiece by Master Mateo (fl.1161-1227), architect and sculptor in the service of Ferdinand II (c.1137-1188), King of León and Galicia.

Artigo em construção


O Descendimento

Novas expressões corporais na Arte italiana, nórdica e catalã

As the Middle Ages acquired new delicate body expressions in Art with Gothic, the artists felt more at ease to experience new gestures of the human body. For that, Christ continued to be the aesthetic reference. The theme of the Descent from the Cross served as the basis for this bodily experimentalism. Our proposal is to ascertain the different nuances of these new expressions between 14th and 15th centuries.

Artigo em construção


O Reino do Espírito na transcendência da imagem de Cristo

O Bom Pastor na Arte Paleocristã (sécs. III-IV)

The aim of this paper is to analyse the iconographic theme of the Good Shepherd in Paleochristian Art and the reasons for its popularity above all in the sculptural sarcophagus art of the period.

Artigo em construção


A felicidade no amor aos livros

Da Grécia a Santo Isidoro de Sevilha e a São Bonifácio

Study on Education founded on the Spirit based on the Western bookish tradition, on the love of the printed word. Its trajectory from Greece and Rome and its dissemination of Christianity, with the leading role of the Catholic Church. From the first Christian religious to the tradition founded by Benedict of Nursia (480-547) and Cassiodorus (c.485-585), to Saint Boniface OSB (c.672-754) and the Encyclopedism of Isidore of Seville (c.560-636).


Flechas de ouro o Amor todas lançou!

Ausiàs March (c.1397-1439) e as vítimas do Amor

Analysis of Poem (Dictat) LXXIX by the Valencian poet Ausiàs March (c.1397-1439) in which March develops the classic allegory of the arrows of Love to make a poetic meditation on the authentic love of lovers from the Past. For this, the song I love with mind and heart, by the Gascon troubadour Guiraut de Calanson (fl.1202-1212), is also analyzed, in which he also makes an allegory of love (and cites the arrows), in addition to the source origin of the whole tradition: Ovid’s Metamorphoses.


O Triunfo da Morte (c.1562) de Bruegel, o Velho (c.1525-1569)

Uma leitura sonora do macabro espetáculo artístico

Analysis of the macabre themes exposed in the famous painting The Triumph of Death (c.1562), by Bruegel the Elder (c.1525-1569). My interpretive proposal is to appreciate the images from the musical suggestions that the artist represents, and that the density of the drama of existence in the face of death can be understood more profoundly with the confrontation of the painting’s images with the musicality of the instruments and the sound of scenes.


Ética e Estética da Música

Na filosofia de Ramon Llull (1232-1316)

Brief exposition of the importance of Music in Western aesthetic thought. Since Plato, and later, in the Middle Ages, San Isidore of Seville, Guido of Arezzo and Ramon Llull, all had thinkers who did meditations on the importance of the aesthetics of harmonic sounds for human existence. In relation to Llull, we deal with the subject from the works Doctrina pueril (c.1274-1276), Fèlix o el Libre de meravelles (c.1289), Arbre de Ciència (c.1295-1296), Ars generalis ultima (c.1305), Ars brevis (1308) and especially, the Libre de contemplació en Déu (c.1273-1274).
