© by Ricardo da Costa © 1995-2024
All rights reserved.
© by Ricardo da Costa © 1995-2024
All rights reserved.
The concept of courtly love in eight songs (cançons) of the Catalan medieval troubadour Berenguer de Palou.
Brief exposition of the importance of Music in Western aesthetic thought. Since Plato, and later, in the Middle Ages, San Isidore of Seville, Guido of Arezzo and Ramon Llull, all had thinkers who did meditations on the importance of the aesthetics of harmonic sounds for human existence. In relation to Llull, we deal with the subject from the works Doctrina pueril (c.1274-1276), Fèlix o el Libre de meravelles (c.1289), Arbre de Ciència (c.1295-1296), Ars generalis ultima (c.1305), Ars brevis (1308) and especially, the Libre de contemplació en Déu (c.1273-1274).
Analysis of the academic studies about the Middle Ages in the State of Espírito Santo (ES-Brazil).
Review of the Complete Works of the Valencian poet Ausiàs March (1400-1459), edited by Robert Archer.
Analysis of the concept of tolerance and its inapplicability to the study of relations between religions in the Middle Ages.
Academic Memorial presented on April 26, 2017 to a Special Commission to progress to the last level of academic career in Brazil (Professor Titular).
The Multiple Middle Ages investigated by Jacques Le Goff (1924-2014) in his academic career: civilization, imaginary, cities, bankers, daily life, intellectuals, Saint Louis (1214-1270).
Étude iconographique du Retable de Saint Jean-Baptiste (1425-1430), attribué au peintre gothique catalan Bernat Martorell (1390-1452), afin d’analyser les représentations imagétiques du corps du saint, ses expressions faciales, ses gestes.
First part of the book Aesthetics.
Analysis of Tractat d'Astronomia (1297) of Catalan Philosopher Ramon Llull.
The importance of Astrology / Astronomy in the Middle Ages, especially the artistic metaphor of the Zodiacal Man as a microcosm of the Universe Revolution.
This article contains an exposition and an analysis on the theme of the Liberal Arts in a sermon of Saint Vincent Ferrer, renowned Dominican Valencian preacher during the passage between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. We intend to show that the Liberal Arts are addressed by the sermonist within the traditional theoretical scope of classification of sciences in the medieval period, as branches of knowledge for the service of the higher science, Theology, to avail the scholastic dictum philosophia ancilla theologiae.
The Melancholy in the writings of the philosopher Ramon Llull.
Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and a classic theme in Medieval and Renaissance Art. Our purpose is to analyze some of the more traditional images on the subject.
Leprosy in Middle Ages, its history, medical perception and social attitude toward manifestation of the disease. We present some excerpts from Començaments de Medicina (The Principles of Medicine) by the philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316) which presents the theoretical foundations of his Medicine: a metaphorical art that links the Hippocratic four elements and Theology using numeric symbolism.
The purpose is to present the methodology of the Spanish historian José Enrique Ruiz- Domènec (1948-) for the study of the Past: the appreciation of Music – one of the seven Liberal Arts – in historical studies as a key element for understanding the history of cultures in time.
Nuestra propuesta es presentar el concepto de Belleza en las obras Retòrica Nova (1301) y el Llibre de contemplació (1271-1274) del filósofo Ramón Llull, idea central retórica para convertir el mundo al Cristianismo, y mostrar sus respectivos temas, exempla y proverbios.
Iconographic analysis of medieval frescoes about hell with the confrontation of biblical texts, philosophers and writers of the thirteenth century.
The purpose is to present a ripe fruit of artistic renewal (renovatio) from the XII century: the representations of peasant life in the sculptures of Benedetto Antelami exposed in the Baptistery of Parma.
The contents of the Second Book of Convivio (c.1304-1307) from Dante and discuss the philosophical foundations of his analogy between seven Liberal Arts and seven planets.
This paper analyses the subjects of Love and Beauty in the Risalah fi’l- ‘ishq (A Treatise on Love) of the philosopher Ibn Sīnā (980-1037).
To reform the Abbey with a New Aesthetic (later to be known as Gothic), Suger used art to convey his interpretation of Christian theology, and so materialize, artistically, tangible means by which one could ascend from the material to the immaterial.
The aesthetic ideas of Umberto Eco (1932-2016) in his book Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages (1987), particularly the aesthetic sensibilities and interests of medieval themes in the metaphysics of light (claritas), the symbolism and the Allegory, and the aesthetic vision of the Universe.
Some aspects of the philosophical discourse and the medieval rhetoric elements contained in the sermons of Saint Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419), especially his thoughts about a theme currently and universally present in the Christian Middle Ages: the moral virtues or cardinal virtues.
The crisis of History and decay of Historical Consciousness in the Postmodern era of the absolute Relativism.